Animals In WWI and WWII, Part 1 (of 4): Camels and Elephants


Camel-mounted Infantry, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade, active from January 1916 – May 1919. Posed photo left to right: Australian, British, New Zealand, and Indian troops. Photograph


[Since ancient times, animals have been involved in the lives of men — and their wars.  They are “drafted” into a war, have no choice and no voice, but serve loyally.  Animals in wartime have the ability to fight the enemy, transport men and equipment, contribute to the success of military operations, save lives, and boost morale.

These are their stories.]



Camels have been called the “Ships of the Desert” as they thrive and work in a sea of sand, not water.  The first documented use of camel cavalries in warfare was 853 BC.  They were also used to transport people, goods, and freight as was the case in their use on the Silk Road (second century BCE – 15th century) which was a Eurasian system of trade routes from China and the Far East to Europe and the Middle East, a span of 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers).  A caravan on the Silk Road could consist of 500 – 12,000 camels.  For hundreds of years they were the only means of transportation in the deserts of Australia, Africa, and Asia.

The two most common camels are the Bactrian (two-humped) and Dromedary (one-humped).  Sometime before 1200 BC Bactrian camels could be ridden and saddles for them were developed.

A camel’s unique characteristics make them a valuable asset for use in the desert or other arid and unfriendly environments:  (a) able to carry a 600 pound load (270 kilograms) over 60 miles (95 kilometers) per day and can walk 12 hours straight for over 15 days without water, (b) thick, padded feet and long legs allow easy movement over sand and rough terrain, (c) voluntary closure of nostrils in sandstorms and thick, long eyelashes protect the eyes, (d) withstand body temperature changes (hot days and cold nights in the desert) that would kill other animals, and (e) can eat almost all plants including cacti because of their protective leathery, thick mouth lining.  It is said that a thirsty camel can drink over 20 gallons of water (75 liters) in a couple minutes.

On the downside, it was noted that horses do not like the smell of camels, and horses could become disoriented and alarmed when near them.  Depending on what side you are on, the camel could be an effective horse anti-cavalry weapon.

And since camels move so slowly, they are perfect targets for the enemy.


The United States Army (USA) Camel Corps Experiment

As the United States (US) expanded westward, some military officers as early as the 1830s expressed an interest in using camels in a military capacity in the desert areas of the American Southwest.

In 1855 then US Secretary of War Jefferson F. Davis secured from the US Congress an appropriation of $30,000 to purchase camels in the Mediterranean area.  Jefferson, a West Point graduate and former Senator from Mississippi, had served during the Mexican-American War (1846 – 1848) in Mexico and in the Southwest and was familiar with the proposal of camels being used by the USA.

That same year Major Henry C. Wayne of the US Quartermasters Corps and David Dixon Porter who commanded the USS (United States Steamship) Supply set sail to the Mediterranean to purchase camels.  In February 1856 the Supply set sail for Texas after purchasing 33 camels in Egypt, Tunisia, and Turkey.  On May 14, 1856, the ship arrived in Indianola, Texas, a then port town on the Gulf of Mexico.  The camels were moved approximately 60 miles (97 kilometers) north of San Antonio, Texas, to Camp Verde, Texas, which was designated a camel station.  It was there that the camels were evaluated for military use.

The camels excelled as pack animals, but soldiers had difficulty with them agitating horses, spitting, biting, and the smell.  Then Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. Lee who led a small caravan of camels in 1860 had a positive view of the camels as effective military pack animals.  They maneuvered well in the climate and terrain.  Some of the camels were moved to a USA post in California.

The start of the American Civil War in 1861 essentially ended the experiment.  A dedicated use for the camels was never established, and the war took place mostly in the eastern US with different climate and environment issues than the American West.

Confederate troops occupied Camp Verde in February 1861.  One of the camels there, “Old Douglas,” became the mascot of the Civil War 43rd Mississippi Infantry.

In the end, some of the camels escaped, some were sold to circuses and gold prospectors, or simply abandoned.  After the Civil War the government sold the remaining camels.  There were camel sightings in the American Southwest as late as the 1940s; some of the escaped camels had acclimated to the area and made it home.


Camels in World War I 

“World War I [WWI] or the First World War (July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918), also known as the Great War, was a global conflict between two coalitions:  the Allies (or Entente) and the Central Powers.  Fighting took place mainly in Europe and the Middle East … [and] was characterized by trench warfare and the use of artillery, machine guns, and chemical weapons (gas).”  Source

The principal Allied powers were France, United Kingdom, Empire of Japan, Kingdom of Italy, Russian Empire (until 1917) and the United States (from 1917) against the Central Powers of Germany, the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria.  Between 1914 and 1918 30 global nations declared war and joined either the Allies or Central Powers.

Camel cavalry units were already in the Middle East before the start of WWI.  France created a camel corps in 1912 as part of the Armée d’Afrique and was used mostly in the Sahara Desert region.  The Somaliland Camel Corps was established by the British in 1912.  The Bulgarian military was using camel caravans in 1912 during the First Balkan War.

During WW1 the British Army formed the Egyptian Camel Transport Corps comprised of Egyptian camel drivers and their camels and was used to transport supplies for the British to Syria, Palestine, and Sinai.  A British Indian Army unit, Bikaner Camel Corps of British India, fought with the British in WW1 and World War II (WWII).

In 1916 the British created the Imperial Camel Corps (ICC).  It conducted long-range patrols in the Sinai Desert and around the Suez Canal.  The ICC was a part of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) which in WWI had engagements in the Palestine and Sinai campaign.  The ICC was disbanded in 1919.


Australian Army Service Corps transport camels during WWI at Deiran, Israel, 1914 – 1918. Photograph OM77-14 2nd Light Horse Association Records.
Cacolets Carrying Wounded Soldiers being Loaded, One Each Side, Onto a Camel for Transport to a Medical Facility for Treatment, 1916 – 1917. Photograph Collection, Australian War Memorial.
A memorial to the WWI Imperial Camel Corps was unveiled at Victoria Gardens, Thames Embankment, London, England, in 1921. Photograph


It is estimated that in WWI alone over 100,000 camels died during combat, as well as harsh conditions, neglect, exhaustion, and disease.


Camels in World War II

As in WWI, the military in WWII from a number of nations used camels in warfare notably Britain, France, Russia, Germany on the Eastern Front (camels were also being used in the Germany North African campaign), Romania, Bulgaria, and Italy.

British Imperial units using camels were the Sudan Defense Force, Egyptian Camel Corps, the Indian Bikaner Camel Corps, the Arab Legion, and the British organized Druze Regiment.

The Free French Camel Corps was active in northern Africa and successfully repelled the Italian Army in December 1942 at the Tunisia-Tripoli border.

The use of camels on the Eastern Front by Russia and Germany is a lesser known story.


German soldier from a Gebirgsiäger (Mountain) unit rides a Bactrian camel in a Russian corn field on the Kuban sector of the Russian front in 1942. A number of camels were used by the Wehrmacht in this area south of Rostov where the Germans were fighting toward the Caucasus oil fields. Photograph


The Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 – February 2, 1943) was a Soviet victory commonly considered the turning point of WWII in the European Theater.  Military and civilian losses are estimated at over one million.  The German 6th Army surrendered on February 2, 1943, the 4th Panzer Army was decimated, and Army Group B was routed.

The city of Stalingrad was the largest industrial center of the Soviet Union, the Volga River served as a transport hub, and controlling the city meant having a strategic location to access the Caucasus oil fields.

Getting military, medical, and food supplies into Stalingrad during the siege was critical to the eventual Soviet victory.  And that is when a Bactrian camel named Kuznechik (meaning “grasshopper”) helped support the Soviet effort.

The Soviet 308th Rifle Division formed in March 1942 (later renamed the 120th Guards Rifle Division) had been using a Bactrian camel from Kazakhstan named Kuznechik to transport ammunition, food, fuel, other supplies, and wounded soldiers.  The 120th Guards Rifle Division helped defend the Barrikaddy [arms] factory during the Stalingrad siege.

After the Battle of Stalingrad many Soviet military units started using camels.  Camels were able to carry heavy loads of cargo long distances over difficult terrain with little food or water.  They were especially useful navigating the Russian Kalmyk steppes’ (an area northwest of the Caspian Sea consisting of 24,710,538 square acres (100,000 square kilometers) in the southern theater of the war which was a difficult, open terrain for horses and trucks due in part to primitive roads and lack of water.

The eventual fate of Kuznechik is unknown.  One story is that he followed the Soviet troops all the way to Berlin and when led to the Reischtag he spit on it.  Another story is that he was killed near the Baltic Sea in 1945 during a German air raid.


No reliable statistics were found on the number of camels killed or lost due harsh conditions, neglect, exhaustion, and disease during WWII.  But the count may be equal to or surpass the numbers in WWI.




Elephants were first used by humans in India about 4,000 years ago.  Initially used in agriculture but because of their trainability and strength, the elephant was later incorporated into military use.  Sanskrit sources cite that the use of elephants for warfare took place around 1100 BC.  The type of elephant used, Asian or African, was generally based on geography.

Elephants provided transportation and moved heavy equipment and supplies.  Because of their sheer size and ability to charge at a great speed while trumpeting and roaring, they were used as an “elephant cavalry.”  The sight of such a cavalry scared the enemy horses and men of an opposing army, especially if they had not encountered military elephants before then.

The military use of elephants is probably best remembered in the story of the Carthaginian military commander Hannibal who crossed the Alps in 218 BC during the Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome.

But working with war elephants uncovered some weaknesses or vulnerabilities in their use.  An elephant worked best with a mahout (a person who works with, tends to them, and rides them); the enemy would try to kill the mahout to render the animal useless in warfare.  The foot pad of the elephant is its “Achilles heel,” so to speak;  when barbed planks or spiked devices are put into the path of elephants, the wounding could make them lame.  And the elephants trunk was often attacked and damaged, so the elephant was not able to lift up troops to ride them.


Elephants in World War I and World War II

During WWI  horses were conscripted (military horses as well as privately owned horses) and sent to the Western Front.  This was true in Allied countries, as well as the Central Powers.  Germany sent horses to the Western Front but also used them on the Eastern Front.  WWI in the Balkans and the Middle East used horses.  In WWI military vehicles were not yet in mass use, so animals were used and needed for various purposes.

The shortage of animals for farm work, heavy labor, and other trades created a problem.  Elephants, usually from circuses and zoos, as well as camels, were recruited to fill the loss.

Elephants also played a role in WWII  and is noted later in this story.


An elephant used to plow a field in England in WWI. Photograph
Berlin, Germany, 1917, elephants used by German Army. Photograph
Elephants Mary from Burma and Kieri from Ceylon (present day Sri Lanka) had originally been brought to the Hamburg Zoo in Germany to train for the circus. They would be used to clean up the city after Allied bombings in WWII. Photograph
Elephant loads a gasoline drum into a military supply plane in India in 1945. Photograph
Elephant pulls Corsair airplane on an airfield in India WWII. Photograph
Japanese Army Using Elephants in Burma, 1942. Photograph
British Lanchester armoured cars in Burma camouflaged as elephants in WWII. Photograph


Elephant Heroes

Gyles Mackrell (October 9, 1888 – February 20, 1959) was a British tea planter and representative for tea agents Octavius Steel & Company in Assam, India (a northeastern state in India along the Brahmaputra and Barak River valleys and south of the eastern Himalayas mountain range), and he owned a Burmese elephant transport business.

The Japanese were advancing from Burma (present day Myanmar) towards India which resulted in refugees fleeing ahead of the Japanese advance.  Mackrell received an urgent message on June 4, 1942, that refugees were stranded near the monsoon swollen Dapha River and Chaukan Pass area near the Burma-India border.

After a near 100 mile (160 kilometer) trek through jungles, the elephants arrived at the Dapha River on June 9.  The next day when the river calmed, Mackrell rescued 68 members of the Burma Rifles and Burma Frontier Force who had been stranded on an island in the river.

Mackrell set up a camp there and continued to rescue refugees, mainly British and Indian soldiers.  By September it is estimated they rescued about 200 people.


Gyles Mackrell’s elephants carrying refugees during the rescue at the Dapha River in 1942. Photograph


James Howard “Billy” Williams (November 15, 1897 – July 30, 1958), the “Elephant Whisperer,”  who later in life would also be known as Elephant Bill, was born in St Just, Cornwall, England.  His love of animals would be a theme throughout his life.

In WWI Williams served with the Devonshire Regiment, or the “Bloody Eleventh.”  His wartime duties would take him to Africa, the Middle East, and Afghanistan.  While in Africa he served with the ICC.

In 1920, after the end of WWI, Jim secured a job as a forester with a teak logging company in Burma.  While living there he learned the Burmese language and developed his lifelong love of elephants.

In caring for the “fleet” of elephants that he managed in his job, Jim became educated in the medical care and treatment of sick and injured elephants.  His close contact with the elephants and his advanced knowledge of animal behavior, along with the love of the species, he would become known as the “elephant whisperer.”

It was assumed in WWII that when the Japanese invaded the Far East and Burma in 1942, they would not advance beyond Malaya and Singapore which was not the case.  Being protective the Bombay Burma Corporation decided to evacuate European women and children to India from Burma.  While in Burma, Jim had gotten married and had two children.  He accompanied one evacuation party with his family but then returned to Burma to help fight the war.

Jim became a member of Force 136, a British intelligence organization, which was a branch of the British Special Operations Executive (SOE).  Operating behind enemy lines, Jim’s Elephant Company at its peak numbered 1,600 elephants.  The elephants built bridges, carried supplies, smuggled weapons, clean cut trees to create emergency airfields, transported people escaping the Japanese over treacherous mountain terrain, and were used for other needed war efforts.  At one point the Japanese “put a price” on Jim’s head.

And this brings us to a main character in this story, an elephant named Bandoola.  Bandoola was born November 3, 1897 in Burma.  Po Toke, a master mahout, had raised him “gently” without any sort of violence which can often be part of raising and taming an elephant.  After Jim met Bandoola, they developed a unique human-animal bond.

In March 1944 Jim was ordered to take his elephants out of Burma to India to prevent their capture by the Japanese and to keep them far from the raging fighting.  The wartime actions of Elephant Company was recognized as being indispensable to the Allied effort in Burma, and their protection was vital.

Jim’s trek to safety would be a journey of 120 miles (193 kilometers) on foot through jungle, heavy terrain, and mountainous areas.  It was during this journey, which also included 64 refugees, that Jim’s and Bondoola’s bond was put to the test when they encountered one of the five mountain ranges on their flight from Burma.

On the 9th day of the journey to India at the Kabaw Valley, with roads being cut off, the only way to continue their trek was to climb a 270 foot sheer cliff.  The issue — climbing is not a natural behavior for an elephant.  The cliff was composed of porous sandstone.  An “elephant stairway” was needed.  So steps were created by sawing steps out of the sandstone to accommodate the size of an elephant’s foot.  Vegetation was cut back and so the seemingly impossible journey up the cliff began.

Bandoola led the way up the cliff stairway followed by a line of the other elephants.  In total there were 45 adult elephants and eight baby elephants.  It took three hours for each elephant to ascend the stairway, and they were all successful.

In April 1944 with the Japanese retreating, it was deemed safe to have the elephants return to Burma.  The elephants returned and continued their work helping the Allies.

When Jim returned to the elephant camp at a later date, he could not find Bandoola.  After five days of searching he returned to Po Toke’s camp and was told Bandoola was dead.  He went immediately to the meadow where he was told he could find the body of his friend.  Bandoola had been shot in the head, and his right ivory tusk had been removed.  Jim’s investigation pointed to Po Toke as the one who killed Bandoola. Bandoola’s killing haunted Jim for the rest of his life.

Jim had Bandoola buried on the Burma-India border.  Carved on a giant teak tree there are the words:  BANDOOLA BORN 1897, KILLED IN ACTION 1944.



Part 2 of Animals in WWI and WWII will be about horses, mules, and donkeys.

The story of Bandoola and James Howard “Billy” Williams, the “Elephant Whisperer,” is examined and told in the book Elephant Company by Vicki Constantine Croke.

The tale of Gyles Mackrell’s daring rescue using elephants in WWII can be found in the book Flight by Elephant written by Andrew Martin.  Gyles Mackrell filmed part of the rescue; the video can be viewed at BBC News .

A good friend of mine and fellow WWII historian, Floyd Cecil Cox, Jr., passed away in 2023.  He encouraged me to start this website and to write the stories of WWII.  One of his books that I was given as a remembrance of him was the book Elephant Company.  It inspired this story.  This story is for you, Floyd.

Floyd Cecil Cox, Jr., 1932 – 2023. A Korean War and US Air Force veteran. Photograph Cox Family Collection.


S. R. O’Konski, Author
World War 2 History Short Stories
© All Rights Reserved


Battle for Peleliu Island WWII: And the Stories of Three Survivors


Peleliu Battle map.  Map


The archipelago of Palau in the western Pacific Ocean is 550 miles (890 kilometers) east of the Philippines.  It consists of volcanic and coral islands and a large barrier reef which encircles nearly all of the archipelago.

After the defeat of Spain in the Spanish-American War (April 21 – August 13, 1898), Spain in 1899 sold Palau to Germany.  In 1914 control of Palau passed to Japan.  

Only two of the Palau islands, Peleliu and Angaur, would be occupied by the Americans in WWII.  Koror, the capital of Palau, on the island of Koror remained in Japanese control until the end of WWII.

Peleliu, a platform coralline island, 6.56 square miles, was the location of a brutal battle between the United States (US) Marine 1st Division, the US Army 81st Infantry Division, and Imperial Japanese forces during Operation Stalemate II (September 15 – November 27, 1944).  The Japanese had made the island into a defensive fortress.

[Operation Stalemate II.  The operation to secure the Palau islands was intended to stop the Japanese from attacking US Army General Douglas MacArthur’s western flank as he fought to liberate the Philippines from Japanese control.]

Other American units involved in the Peleliu battle were the 11th Marine Regiment, Artillery; 12th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion; 1st Amphibian Tractor Battalion; 3rd Armored Amphibian Tractor Battalion; Underwater Demolition Teams (UDTs) 6 and 7; and the 4th, 5th, and 6th Marine War Dog Platoons.


US Marine War Dog Platoons. Marine rests on Peleliu in October 1944 with his dog.  Photograph


The fight for Peleliu was predicted to last a few days.  The island was declared secure after 74 days of fighting.

The invasion of Peleliu was an American victory with a exceedingly high casualty rate; US casualties totaled almost 1,800 killed in action (KIA) and over 8,000 wounded or missing.  Japanese losses were over 10,000 KIA.



Peleliu island was a maze of rocky ramparts, hills, crags, jungles, and caves.  The Japanese had built a strong defense of the island. There was a system of over 500 caves and tunnels which allowed Japanese soldiers to move undetected between areas of combat.

Important in the lead-up to the invasion was a plan using Navy UDTs, also known as “frogmen.”  

In an article by Toni L. Carrell, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Principal Investigator, Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research, “… unless the amphibious craft could get over the reef; avoid the mines; navigate the concrete anti-boat obstacles, the coral heads, and boulders; and land on shore, it (the invasion) was doomed to failure. … UDT reconnaissance was integral to all planning.


Figure 3: Andy Anderson, GM1/c, of UDT7, with a J-13 mine at Peleliu. This type of ‘horned’ mine was particularly dangerous because it was so unstable.
From Carrell article. Andy Anderson, of UDT 7, with a J-13 mine at Peleliu. This type of “horned” mine was particularly dangerous because it was so unstable.  Photograph Navy Seal Museum.


In the run up to the Peleliu operation, UDT 10 scouted the invasion beaches in USS [United States Ship] Burrfish. The information gathered in August 1944 revealed an array of concrete tetrahedrons, a double row of wooden posts 75 yards from shore, barbed wire, horned mines and, importantly, in some areas the reef was awash with barely two feet of water at low tide. Three days before D-Day, UDTs 6 and 7 deployed along the invasion beaches to destroy obstacles, but more critically, to blast wide ramps into the coral for the amphibious craft. Not only was their mission dangerous and in broad daylight, naval fire support from offshore flew overhead and periodic sniper and machine gun fire from shore targeted the unarmed swimmers in the shallow lagoon. The night before the assault, UDTs crawled ashore to demolish rock cribs, posts, barbed wire, concrete cubes, and set buoys off the reef to mark the newly blasted passageways.”

Carrell also describes the amphibious assault plan to capture Peleliu, “The new plan involved five imaginary parallel lines offshore where various elements of the task force could stage with their ships and troops before the assault. Farthest out at 18,000 yards were the big ships and transports. Next came the LSTs (landing ship transports) carrying the troops in LVTs (landing vehicle tracked) in their cavernous holds. At 6,000 yards from shore, the LSTs opened their bow doors and the small LVTs (sometimes called amtracs) embarked. The fourth line was 4,000 yards from shore, still 30 minutes travel time to the beach. This was the rendezvous line for all of the assault waves to form groups opposite their designated beaches. The final line before the reef was at 2,000 yards and 15 minutes from shore, where the amtracs returned after carrying the assault waves to the beach and where the next groups of men and supplies transferred from small boats to the amtracs. When the troop-carrying amphibious fleet reached the last line at 1,000 yards, they were on their own to cross the reef and get to shore.

Stewarding the small fleet at each line were submarine chasers, patrol craft, and Higgins boats, hoisting signaling flags, forming up the waves, and in constant radio contact. Preceding the first waves of personnel were armored LVT(A)s (amphibian tanks) armed with machine guns and howitzers, to neutralize beach defenses and support the landings. LCI(G) (landing craft, infantry, gunboats) armed with rockets stood offshore at the 1,000-yard line and raked defensive positions and provided covering fire for the LVT(A)s. Overhead, naval gunfire pummeled the island and aircraft bombed and strafed. The landing was a complex maneuver requiring precise timing and coordination.”

After days of US heavy naval and aerial bombardment of Peleliu the 1st Marine Division began landing on the beaches of the island at 0830 (military time) on September 15, 1944.  The 1st Marine Regiment landed on beaches White 1 and 2; the 5th Marine Regiment landed on beaches Orange 1 and 2; and the 7th Marine Regiment landed on beach Orange 3.


LVTs move toward the invasion beaches on Peleliu on September 15, 1944.  Photographed from a USS Honolulu CL (Light Cruiser)-48 plane.  Photograph Wikimedia Commons.


The airfield on the southern part of Peleliu (see map at the start of this story) was captured within the first week.  Marine F4U Corsair fighter planes then used it to fly close air support missions.  They were “so close” to the action that pilots didn’t raise their landing gear while airborne; a military operational mission (also known as a sortie) could be flown in a matter of 30 minutes from take-off to landing.

The Umurbrogol Mountain and ridge lines were particularly dangerous for the Marines in combat; narrow valleys and peaks, sinkholes, steep coral hills, and straight drops down the ridges along with hard surfaces which prevented the digging of foxholes took their toll on men KIA and wounded.  This combat sector on Peleliu became known as “Bloody Nose Ridge.”



Joe W. Clapper, 1st Marine Division. Oral History interview for the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas, on August 28, 2010.  He was interviewed at the 1st Marine Division Association Reunion in San Antonio, Texas.


Joe Clapper oral history interview August 28, 2010, in San Antonio, Texas.  Photograph video frame from 2010 interview.


Joe Clapper and fellow US Marines circa 1944. Joe is kneeling, third from left. No  identification of other Marines in the photograph. Photograph National Museum of the Pacific War.


Joe W. Clapper was born March 22, 1924, in Jonesboro, Indiana.  His family would later move to Kalamazoo, Michigan.  After graduating from high school in June 1942, he enlisted in the US Marine Corps Reserve.

After training in San Diego and Camp Elliott, California, Joe sailed on a Liberty ship to Melbourne, Australia.  He was assigned to K Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, as a replacement.

While in Melbourne Joe said the Marines had training exercises at the cricket grounds.  [Today it is the site of the Australian Open tennis tournament.]  He, as many WWII US service members commented, liked the friendly Australians.

From Melbourne the 1st Marines went to Goodenough Island off New Guinea.  Upon leaving Melbourne the stevedores were on strike, so the Marines had to load their own ships.

On December 26, 1943, the 1st Marines came ashore and saw action at Cape Gloucester, New Britain, as part of Operation Cartwheel (1943 – 1944).  An important objective of Cartwheel was to neutralize a major Japanese base at Rabaul, New Britain.


Operation Cartwheel (1943–1944) was a major Allied operation in the Pacific Theater of War in WWII.  Map Wikimedia Commons.


In April 1944 the 1st Marine Division left New Britain and went to Pavuvu Island in the Russell Islands to rest and train for the assault on Peleliu.  The Russell Islands are comprised of two small islands Pavuvu and Banika, as well as several islets, which are northwest of Guadalcanal and part of the Solomon Islands chain.

The Battle of Peleliu began on September 15, 1944.  Joe, in his interview, said reveille, the military wake up call, was at 1 am.  The ship served steak and eggs that morning.  And then began the transfer of the men from the larger ships (the process described earlier in this story) to the beaches.

When Joe landed on White beach in the first assault wave as Japanese machine gun fire raked the beach and sand was flying through the air,  he said, “It was like trying to run between raindrops.” 

Near the end of the first day of battle Joe’s life was saved by a young Marine.  It had been discovered that the Marine was 15 years old. The paperwork to send him back to the US had not been completed, so J. M. Morsy (exact name inaudible in the interview) from Harlan County, Kentucky, went on the Peleliu operation.  Joe called him “Junior.”  Junior had yelled at Joe, “look out Joe, a Jap.”  Joe said he turned to look after the warning and was looking into the rifle barrel of a Japanese soldier.  Junior killed the soldier.  Joe in  his interview was still very grateful that Junior, who should not have been there, had saved his life.

On the second day of the battle Joe saw a good friend of his die.  Fortune Orlando Rosenkrans, III, from Pennsylvania, nicknamed “Rosie,” was fatally shot in the chest, and the bullet “blew his lung out” his back.  Joe still carries that image of “Rosie” with him.

On that same day after “Rosie” died, Joe was hit by a bullet in the left upper chest area.  A US Navy Corpsman put a bandage on the wound, and Joe was evacuated to the beach and transferred to a hospital ship offshore.  Joe commented in his interview that the beach was “carpeted” with dead Marines.

Joe Clapper’s next battle would be the Battle of Okinawa (April 1 – June 22, 1945.)

By war’s end Joe received three Purple Hearts: one Purple Heart for his wound at Peleliu and two Purple Hearts for wounds received on Okinawa (one wounding from shrapnel, and then another wound from Japanese machine-gun fire.)

Joe Clapper passed away January 31, 2019.


John W. Bailey, Jr., US Navy Corpsman, 1st Marine Division.  Oral History interview for the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas, on August 28, 2010.  He was interviewed at the 1st Marine Division Association Reunion in San Antonio, Texas.


John Bailey US Navy circa 1943. John was an active member of the Santa Paula, California, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2043. Photographs courtesy of the Bailey family.


John W. Bailey, Jr., was born May 31, 1925, in Goodson, Missouri. When he was nine years old the family moved to Santa Paula, California.  He wanted to join the US Navy after the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, and at 17 1/2 years old John persuaded his father to sign the paperwork permitting him to enlist under the required age by the military.  In his interview John recalled his father saying to him at the time, “I feel just like I’m signing your death warrant.”

John enlisted in the US Navy on January 7, 1943.  He was selected for medical training as a US Navy Corpsman.  In September 1943 he shipped out from San Diego, California.  The ship docked at the island of New Caledonia, approximately 750 miles (1,210 kilometers) east of Australia, which was the location of a US Marine replacement battalion.  Later John and other replacements would sail to Australia where he was assigned to the 1st Marine Division.  [The US Marine Corps does not have a medical component and uses the medical resources of the US Navy.]

After the 1st Marine Division left New Britain they went to Pavuvu (as noted in the Joe Clapper story above).  Pavuvu with a large coconut plantation on the island had been deserted by the natives when the war began.  The Marines needed to construct island infrastructure and their own base.  But they fought another kind of enemy on the island — rats and land crabs.  John said it was difficult to sleep at night with rats and crabs running through the tents and over its inhabitants, sometimes nibbling on the ears of the Marines. The Marines had contests to see who could kill the most rats; the winner got a bottle of alcohol.  As the tale goes Marines would sometimes steal dead rats from each other to ensure a win.  In Marine language “Pavuvu” became a 6-letter bad word.  

The Marines did leave Pavuvu with a good memory; legendary comedian Bob Hope, representing the United Service Organizations (USO), put on a show for them in August 1944.  


US Marines entertained during the Bob Hope USO show on Pavuvu in August 1944. Photograph


The next stop for the 1st Marines was Peleliu on September 15, 1944. 

US Navy Corpsman John Bailey landed on White beach that day with the 1st Marine Regiment led by Marine Colonel Lewis Burwell “Chesty” Puller.

“Forty-five days and 1,000 nights” was John’s answer when asked how long he was on Peleliu.  He spoke of the Battle of Peleliu in what he called “the horror of all battles.”  The following are some of John’s memories of the battle:

John estimated that the temperature on the island could get as high as 115 – 120 degrees Fahrenheit.  Pre-landing bombing and further combat decimated most of the trees and foliage that could have provided some shade and cover and concealment when fighting.  

Dehydration was a significant issue.  Some metal barrels previously filled with gasoline had been brought ashore containing water that was undrinkable.  Sunburn and blisters were common in the hot and humid climate; men’s eyes would sometimes swell shut.

Patches of sharp coral could be deadly; some men died of flying shards of coral that flew through the air after the ground was hit with bombs and artillery barrages.

When not out with the Marines as a Corpsman, John worked with the Graves Registration Service units finding, identifying, and burying bodies in a temporary cemetery constructed on the island.  It became very important to him to be able to identify bodies so that the families of the dead Marines would know what happened to their loved ones.

John said they could not begin the gathering of the dead Marines for three to four days after the battle began because of the intense and constant fighting.  Bodies in that climate after two days could be unrecoverable due to decomposition.

And then there was the “SMELL” of the island because of American and Japanese dead bodies along with the island being used as what John called “one big toilet.”  Marine pilots told him they could “smell” the island flying over it.

John Bailey wrote a book, “Islands of Death, Islands of Victory,” published in 2002 based on his memories and experiences on Peleliu as well as other battle sites.  In the book he wrote:

“There was a saying:  A Marine who had served on Peleliu died and went to heaven.  When St. Peter opened the gate the Marine saluted and said, ‘Another Marine reporting sir, I have already served my time in Hell.’  Of such a place was Peleliu.”

After Peleliu the 1st Marine Division returned to Pavuvu and began to train for the Battle of Okinawa.

John Bailey passed away June 26, 2020.


William Taylor Stitt, Seabee, Construction Maintenance Battalion Unit #571.  Oral History interview for the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas, on July 6, 2011.  He was interviewed at his home in San Antonio, Texas.


William Taylor Stitt oral history interview July 6, 2011, in San Antonio, Texas.  Photograph video frame from his 2011 interview.


WWII Seabee recruiting poster. Poster


[A brief history of the Seabees in WWII.  The nickname “Seabee” is based upon a heterograph of the first letters of the words Construction Battalion “C B.”  Two of its mottos are “We build, We Fight” and “Can Do.”

The US Navy Construction Battalion(s), better known as Seabees, were established in 1942 in response to a need in WWII to build and maintain bases and airfields, pave roadways, and they took on multiple other construction projects around the world in all theaters of war.  The work was varied and also involved constructing caskets and making crosses and Star of David grave markers for the temporary cemeteries.  During WWII they constructed over 400 bases.

These are but a very few of the locations the Seabees saw action during WWII:  (1) Galapagos Islands, Ecuador — outfitted a seaplane base,  (2) Morocco — constructed military facilities in Casablanca after landing with American forces during Operation Torch November 1942, (3) Normandy, France, June 6, 1944 — went ashore with the US Army Engineers to destroy barriers and obstacles put in place by the Germans, (4) assisted US General George S. Patton’s troops in crossing the Rhine River at Oppenheim, Germany, March 22, 1945 [One Seabee crew ferried Prime Minister Winston Churchill across the Rhine on an inspection tour.], (5) Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands — first Seabee crew to build under combat conditions when rebuilding a strategic airfield now called Henderson Field, and (6) Tinian Island, Mariana Islands — after the USS Indianapolis (CA-35) arrived at Tinian with the first atomic bomb later dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945, the Seabees helped unload the ship and store the components awaiting assembly; on the August 6 mission, the B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay took off from Tinian’s North Field built by the Seabees.

There was heroism, and a price paid by the Seabees in WWII.  The Seabees earned 33 Silver Stars and five Navy Crosses.  Eighteen officers and 272 enlisted men would be KIA.  And construction accidents resulted in more than 500 Seabee deaths.]

William Taylor Stitt, known as “Taylor,” was born June 26, 1915, in Williamsville, Illinois, a small town near Springfield, Illinois.  In August 1943 he would enlist in the Seabees.

After training in the US, Taylor was assigned to Construction Maintenance Battalion Unit #571.  They travelled from Gulfport, Mississippi, through the Panama Canal, and landed on Banika, Russell Islands.  They were based there until they left for Peleliu in September 1944.

With the bombing, strafing, and the pitched battle on Peleliu, the Seabees did not land until about five days after the fighting began. Then they set to work repairing airstrips, working on roads, repairing a battered Japanese administration building for use by the Marines, constructed ammunition storage huts, and worked on infrastructure to support the troops.

There were Japanese snipers on the island.  When driving a weapons carrier Taylor noticed a sniper bullet in the clock of the vehicle after he reached his destination.  

There were 16 huts of Seabee Construction Maintenance Battalion Unit 571 on the island.  They were still based on the island when WWII ended. Taylor was in Hut 1.


Hut 1. Back row, left to right: Harold A. Groh, George L. Henry, Wesley R. Stearman, Jr., William T. Stitt, Fred P. Brown, Jr., Robert G. Knapp. Middle row: Clarence G. Almquist, Edward J. Hurley, Emanuel L. Moore, Leonard A. Hulteen, Gerald D. Meeker. Front row: Russell E. Chaille, Ambrose J. Janedy, Patrick H. Jeffcoat, Edward G. Arnold, Jr., Vernon S. Swyers. Absent when picture taken was Hugh J. Burke.  Photograph


Taylor and his friend, Harold Groh (pictured above) from Mankato, Minnesota, would later “hitch” a ride after the war ended on the plane of a USO troop that put on a show on Peleliu.  Getting as far as Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, and not finding another flight to the US, Taylor and Harold sailed back to California on the USS Missouri.

One last story.  On Peleliu Taylor encountered a Marine friend of his from Springfield.  His friend, George, told Taylor, “If I live through the war, I’m going to invent a coffee machine.”  In 1957 George R. Bunn founded the  Bunn-O-Matic Corporation.

Taylor Stitt passed away on February 14, 2012.


Artist Tom Lea as a combat correspondent on Peleliu with the 1st Marine Division in 1944 would paint an image expressing what he saw.  Tom called it the 2000 Yard Stare.


2000 Yard Stare by Tom Lea. Image Wikimedia Commons.


Eight Marines received the Medal of Honor in the Battle of Peleliu:


Peleliu is listed on the US National Register of Historic Places as the Peleliu Battlefield and has been designated a US National Historic Landmark.



Thank you to the families of Joe Clapper, John Bailey, and Taylor Stitt for their help in researching this story and for permission to use the photographs.  Their oral history interviews are in the Archives of the National Museum of the Pacific War.



S. R. O’Konski, Author
World War 2 History Short Stories
© All Rights Reserved


War Dogs Come in Different Sizes: The WWII Story of a Yorkshire Terrier Named Smoky

Smoky document


Smoky in a military helmet in New Guinea in 1944. Photograph John Aikin.



Information about Smoky from her Wikipedia page.


[The WWII New Guinea Campaign in the Pacific Theater of Operations lasted from January 1942 until August 1945.  In 1942 Japan invaded the Australian Territory of New Guinea (January 23) and the Territory of Papua (July 21) and overran western New Guinea, part of The Netherlands East Indies, in late March of that year. The Japanese occupation of New Guinea, north of Australia (see map below), was a strategic threat to the Allies and to Australia.]

On September 5, 1943, the Allies began an airborne operation to capture Nadzab, New Guinea.  It had an important airfield which became a major Allied air base in New Guinea.  The operation began with a parachute drop by the 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the US Army and the Australian Army 2/4th Field Regiment.  An overland route to Nadzab was taken by the Australian 2/2nd Pioneer Battalion, 2/6th Field Company, and B Company Papuan Infantry Battalion.  After capturing and preparing the airfield an Allied transport plane landed the next day.

This story about Smoky and William “Bill” Wynne begins in New Guinea in 1944.  Smoky’s travels with Bill during the war took her from New Guinea, to Australia, to Biak Island, to the Philippines, Okinawa, and Korea.  When WWII ended Bill “smuggled” her back to the United States (US) (more on that later).

Follow Smoky and Bill’s WWII journey on the map below.


Map marking the journey of Smoky and Bill Wynne during WWII in the Pacific Theater of Operations. Map provided in Bill’s post-war memoir titled Yorkie Doodle Dandy.


Bill Wynne was drafted in 1943.  He trained with the US Army Air Force (USAAF) as a aerial photographer and attended mapping school.  Bill’s unit left for Australia on a Liberty ship in December 1943 and arrived in Brisbane, Australia, later that month.  On December 21, 1943, Bill with hundreds of other soldiers left Australia on the Steamship (SS) Contessa, an ironclad wooden ship, which transported them to New Guinea.  He was assigned to the aerial photography laboratory of the Fifth USAAF, 26th Photographic Reconnaissance (Photo Recon) Squadron, Hollandia Airfield Complex at Nadzab, New Guinea.  In April 1944 Bill was selected to fly combat as a aerial photographer.

[During WWII the 26th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron moved from Australia to New Guinea; to Mokmer Airfield, Biak Island, The Netherlands East Indies; Lingayen Airfield, Luzon, Philippines; Kadena Airfield, Okinawa; and Kimpo Airfield, Korea.

Photo Recon planes, unescorted with no armament for protection, photographed Japanese military installations, coastal defenses, harbor facilities, and airfields to provide vital information for the planning of Allied operations.

Reconnaissance aircraft were nicknamed “Spies in the Sky.”]

In March 1944 Bill Wynne’s tentmate, Ed Downey, was driving on a primitive jungle road near Hollandia when his Jeep broke down.  As he worked under the hood he heard a strange noise coming from the surrounding jungle.  While investigating the sound he found a little dog scratching in the dirt at the bottom of a foxhole.  He brought the dog back to the base and gave her to Hollandia Airfield mechanic, Sergeant Dare.  When Bill visited Dare and saw the dog, he offered him two Australian pounds for the dog.  Dare replied Bill could have the dog for three Australian pounds.  Bill was debating with himself how he would care for the dog in that environment, and he left.  The next day Sergeant Dare, carrying the dog with him, went to the photo lab where Bill was working and offered to sell the tiny dog to Bill for two Australian pounds, the equivalent of $6.44 in US dollars at that time.  Dare said he needed the money to get back into a poker game.  This time Bill, an ardent dog lover, said yes.  Bill decided to call her Smoky.  And so began a lifelong “partnership” between Bill Wynne and a dog named Smoky.

Taking care of a dog during wartime and in a jungle environment like New Guinea was challenging.  After adopting Smoky, Bill would give her daily baths in his helmet to keep her free of ticks and other insects.  With no dog food to feed the dog, he discovered Smoky liked bacon, ham, eggs, and bully beef (canned hash).  

But many at the Hollandia base continued to wonder where the dog came from, and how did she get there.

Whenever Bill talked to Smoky, she got very excited.  He tried out several words and names to see how she responded; names/words such as Sport, Rover, Christmas all got her excited and turning in circles.  Bill started teaching her commands and tricks; she was very smart and learned quickly.  Bill and Smoky began putting on shows for people at the base.  He took the dog with him most everywhere, and they became a team.

In 1944 a military publication Yanks Down Under had a contest to select “The Best Mascot of the Southwest Pacific Area.”  Smoky won! This recognition would be very helpful later. 

In July Bill woke up with a 105 degree fever.  He was taken to the US 233rd Field Hospital in Nadzab.  He was diagnosed with dengue fever (a mosquito-borne tropical disease).  While in the hospital Bill’s friends smuggled Smoky in, and they presented Bill with the announcement of Smoky’s contest win.  A few nurses discovered Smoky; Smoky won them over, and they asked to take her on rounds to “cheer up” the patients.  But the hospital commanding officer had to give his permission.  [The commander was Dr. Charles W. Mayo. His family was one of the founders of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.]  Dr. Mayo saw how the dog brought smiles to all who saw and interacted with her; her fame as the newly crowned “best mascot” was helpful also.  While Bill was hospitalized, the nurses would pick up Smoky (who was allowed to sleep in Bill’s bed) every morning to go on rounds and would return her to Bill’s bed at the end of the day. 

After Bill was discharged from the hospital, his squadron doctor, Dr. Beryl D. Rosenburg, offered him some recuperative leave in Brisbane — with Smoky, of course.

While in Brisbane, Bill was asked by Barbara Wood Smith, Assistant Field Director, with the American Red Cross to take Smoky to the US Navy 109th Fleet Hospital to visit the patients. This was the first hospital where they put on a planned show; they performed in eight wards that day to the delight of all the patients and hospital staff. Barbara also asked if Bill and Smoky would visit the patients at the Brisbane US Army 42nd General Hospital.  They performed in 12 wards there.  The little dog brought smiles and joy to her audiences of injured, wounded, homesick, and war-weary troops.  

In September 1944 Barbara Wood Smith wrote a thank you letter to Cpl. (Corporal) “Smoky” on American Red Cross stationery:

Dear Cpl. Smoky:

It has been several weeks now since you visited our hospital and I suspect that by now you and Bill are back at work.  You should certainly feel a nice warm glow of satisfaction at all the pleasure you brought to the patients here at our hospital.  They enjoyed your visit so much and are still talking about you.  Some of them are boys who have lain in bed for months and have gotten very tired of looking at nothing but four walls and other sailors.  We all know that laughter is something that helps people get better and you certainly administered enough of it here to improve the health of any number of our boys.

May we congratulate you for being that almost unheard of combination — a lady artiste without temperament! You entertained in eight wards that one afternoon and seemed just as full of energy and just as obliging at the end of your tour as at the beginning.  The boys particularly liked your “dead dog” act and the way you jumped up and streaked after Bill when he gave you the word.  We think that you’re a wonderful morale builder and we hope that you’ll have the opportunity to entertain a lot more boys later on, go back to Bill’s home in Cleveland and carry on the good work there.

There’s always a welcome for you here, where you and Bill will be pleasantly remembered.

Sincerely, and with thanks from all of us,

Barbara Wood Smith

Assistant Field Director

[American Red Cross letter dated September 19, 1944, © Smoky War Dog LLC]

After two weeks in Australia,  Bill returned to his squadron which had moved to Biak Island after its capture from the Japanese.

[The Battle of Biak (see location on map above, just north of New Guinea) May 27 – August 17, 1944, was an Allied victory and resulted in the capture of a strategic airfield from the Japanese.  The airfield was renamed Mokmer Airfield.  It was of vital importance as the Allies prepared for the invasion of the Philippines.]

On September 16, 1944, Bill accepted an assignment that would take him out of the photo lab and into the air flying with the 3rd Emergency Rescue Squadron looking for downed pilots.  On his first mission he flew in a Stinson L-5 Sentinel. The small plane crew was a pilot and a photographer. The aircraft sometimes flew 50 feet above the ground as they surveyed battle sites.  They found a crash site, circled it three times, saw that the plane had dived into the ground, and a tree had ripped off the cockpit.  Bill took photos as proof of the crash and that there were no survivors.


Stinson L-5 Sentinel. Photograph


When Bill returned from his first mission and the dangers of this type of flying were revealed to his friends, they asked Bill who would get Smoky if he never came back.

On Bill’s second and future missions he (and Smoky) flew in a PBY Catalina.  The usual Catalina crew was comprised of a pilot, co-pilot, navigator, engineer-mechanic, radio operator, and two medics.  Bill and Smoky were crew additions.  Bill explained that Smoky was a mascot and would bring them good luck; the crew had no problem with Smoky.  Smoky flew inside a canvas musette bag (a type of knapsack); she sometimes ran around the plane when there was no combat/rescue action.


PBY Catalina “flying boat” taking off in 1942. An amphibious aircraft used in reconnaissance, search and rescue, anti-submarine warfare, convoy escort, maritime patrol, and cargo transport.  On combat missions the crew called the aircraft “Cat” and “Dumbo” in an air-sea rescue. Photograph


In Bill Wynne’s memoir Yorkie Doodle Dandy written after WWII he recounted a mission that one could say is “luck” during wartime.  He and Smoky were already in the plane.  The mission was to rescue six downed men floating in a raft.  At the last minute a decision was made to send an extra medic instead of a photographer.  Bill would hear later that the aircraft and the men in the raft had disappeared. Bill counted his blessings.

As WWII progressed the next base for the 26th Photo Recon was the Philippines.  It was Smoky’s help here that Bill said she went from a pet companion to a war dog.


Smoky enters a 70 foot culvert running underneath an airstrip runway at Lingayen Gulf, Philippines, in January 1945. Photograph


Communication lines needed to be strung under a runway at Lingayen Gulf, Philippines.  It was estimated that without this successful endeavor using Smoky to pull a line through the culvert it would have taken about 70 men digging for approximately three days to accomplish the job and would have shut down the airfield to Allied planes.  With daily air attacks by the Japanese the lives of many men could have been lost.  Smoky completed the job in about three minutes.

After WWII Bill Wynne recounted the story in an appearance on NBC-TV:

“I tied a string (tied to the wire) to Smoky’s collar and ran to the other end of the culvert . . . (Smoky) made a few steps in and then ran back. `Come, Smoky,’ I said,  and she started through again. When she was about 10 feet in, the string caught up and she looked over her shoulder as much as to say `what’s holding us up there?’ The string loosened from the snag and she came on again. By now the dust was rising from the shuffle of her paws as she crawled through the dirt and mold and I could no longer see her.  I called and pleaded, not knowing for certain whether she was coming or not. At last, about 20 feet away, I saw two little amber eyes and heard a faint whimpering sound . . . at 15 feet away, she broke into a run. We were so happy at Smoky’s success that we patted and praised her for a full five minutes.”
When his duties and time permitted Bill would take Smoky to hospitals to visit with the patients.  They would also put on shows for people living around the base and children’s groups wherever the 26th Photo Recon was based.


Smoky visits the US Army 120th General Hospital in Manila, Philippines, June 1945. Left to right: hospital patient, Smoky, American Red Cross worker Barbara Wood Smith (she wrote the letter to Smoky as posted earlier in this story), and Bill Wynne. Photograph


The 26th Photo Recon Squadron moved on from the Philippines to Okinawa and then to Korea.  

On November 1, 1945, the squadron got orders to return to the US from Korea on the USS (United States Ship) General William H. Gordon.  One problem — the rumor (or truth?) was that US Army regulations stated no animals will go back to the US on a War Department ship.

Bill knew he couldn’t leave Smoky behind.  He devised a way to bring Smoky (hopefully undetected) aboard the ship in an oxygen carrying case.


Smoky hidden in an oxygen carrying case. Photograph William A. Wynne Photography Collection, Special Collections, Cleveland State University.


Smoky made it on board; she never barked, and the bag was not inspected.  Bill found a top bunk in a corner (the bunks were stacked five high).  The next morning, after 5,000 men had been loaded on the ship, there was an announcement that the man who brought a dog on-board needed to report to the troop office.  Bill did not respond to the announcement; he found out later that another man, his friend Randall with his dog Duke, had responded to the order. Randall was ordered to remove Duke from the ship.  But as luck would have it, as Randall was leaving the troop office a member of the ship’s crew approached him and said he would hide Duke in the hold of the ship; the sailor said he was already hiding two dogs and could fit in one more.  

On high tide the ship set sail for Washington state from Inchon Harbor, Korea.  At the start of the voyage the ship encountered rough seas, and Bill got very seasick.  Bill spent days sick in his bunk.  Men from the 26th would sneak Smoky to the upper deck for “potty” breaks; they would form a ring around her as they walked on the deck to keep her hidden.

Then came another announcement that men onboard who had brought dogs or monkeys on the ship needed to report to the ship’s office NOW.  Still feeling sick Bill made his way to the troop office and was surprised to see five other “guilty” men there.  

Bill retreated to his bunk and vowed to keep Smoky hidden.  But a US Navy officer looking for someone else discovered the dog.  The officer asked if the dog was registered to be on the ship. Bill said “no.”  An hour later he was called to report to the ship’s office.  Bill explained he was too sick to report earlier.  He showed pictures of Smoky entertaining the sick and wounded; the letter from the Red Cross thanking Bill and Smoky for helping the morale of patients in the hospital; and noted Smoky’s 1944 selection as “The Best Mascot of the Southwest Pacific Area.”  Bill was told he may have to pay a bond to bring the dog into the US and could be expected to pay up to $1,000 dollars to do so.  Bill said he would accept those terms.  Bill and the ship’s captain signed a document that cleared the ship of any responsibility for “one dog.”


“Declaration of Domestic Animal” document signed by Bill on November 4, 1945. US Army.

Smoky documentSmoky documentSmoky document

With Smoky officially recognized and out of hiding, Bill and Smoky put on some shows on the deck for the men.  Bill noticed that the ship’s captain and the troop commander would sometimes watch the show from the bridge and had smiles on their faces.  AND, everyday the sailors would bring Duke up from the hold to play with Smoky.

On November 13 the USS William H. Gordon docked in Seattle.  

Smoky and Bill’s story started to take on a life of its own after arriving in the US.  At one train stop on their way to Bill’s home in Ohio a man with the United Services Organization (USO) noticed Bill carrying Smoky.  After hearing their story someone called the Indianapolis Star.  The newspaper ran a story which was picked up by a wire service. 

Bill and Smoky arrived home in Cleveland, Ohio, on November 30, 1945.

Before leaving to go to war in 1943 Bill had given the love of his life, Margie Roberts, an engagement ring.  They were married September 28, 1946. 

A week after Bill arrived home the Cleveland Press asked to interview him.  On December 7, 1945, the paper ran a front page story headlined, “TINY DOG HOME FROM THE WAR.”  The New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun, and Herald America also published stories.

Smoky and Bill continued to entertain people after the war and performed at veterans’ hospitals, schools, orphanages, nursing homes, hospitals, and other organizations.  

From June to August 1946 Bill was hired by the Cleveland Zoo to be masters of ceremony for a traveling circus — with Smoky as one of the stars.  In October 1946 Bill and Margie went to Hollywood after hearing that then famous animal trainer, Rennie Renfro, was looking for an assistant to help him train dogs for motion pictures.  The job did not materialize, and they returned to Ohio where Bill took a job at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) [NACA would become the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1958.] as a member of a crew to test new de-icing equipment for aircraft.

In 1947 live television shows became popular.  One of the shows in Cleveland that Bill and Smoky became part of was a children’s show Castles in the Air.

In 1953 with a growing family Bill accepted a job with a Cleveland newspaper The Plain Dealer as a photographer; he would later become a writer/photographer (now called a photojournalist) and was associated with the paper for 31 years.  [Bill received many international, national, and local awards for his work as a photojournalist.  In 1973 Bill was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.]

When Bill returned home from work on February 21, 1957, he found Smoky in her bed; she had died in her sleep.  Bill said he was inconsolable.  Margie suggested they bury the little dog near “Our Tree.” [In 1940 on a bike ride though the Cleveland Metroparks System young Bill and Margie had carved their initials in a gray beech tree.] The next day, with their children, Bill and Margie found the tree, and with Smoky’s body in a shoebox they buried her. Their seven year old daughter, Susan, cried, “Daddy, Daddy, how is Smoky going to breathe?”  Bill, taken aback, told Susan that Smoky doesn’t need to breath anymore, she is in dog heaven. 

Josephine Robertson, a writer at The Plain Dealer, wrote an obituary for Smoky and told her wartime story.  The Wynne’s received a call from a local Cleveland woman after she read the obituary. Grace Guderian Heidenreich was a US Army nurse in New Guinea in early 1944.  Her fiancé, later her husband, had bought a Yorkshire Terrier for her from a veterinarian in Brisbane, Australia.  The dog was a Christmas holiday gift, so Grace named her “Christmas.” [“Christmas” was one of the words that got Smoky excited and turning in circles.]  When Grace attended a Bob Hope USO show in New Guinea, little “Christmas” disappeared.  She had photos of the dog to show Bill.  As the stories merged, Bill concluded that his little dog, found in a foxhole, was indeed one in the same.  How many Yorkshire Terriers in WWII were lost in the jungles of New Guinea?

Margie Wynne passed away in 2004.  They had raised nine children together.

In 2003 Bill was informed that a monument to honor Smoky would be placed near the beech tree in the Rocky River Reservation Metropolitan Park in Cleveland where Smoky was buried in 1947.  Bill searched for Smoky’s grave for hours and finally found the then fallen beech tree with its initials which led to finding the grave. Smoky’s remains were placed in a WWII .30 calibre ammunition case.  The monument marks Smoky’s grave and was unveiled on Veterans Day, November 11, 2005.  


The monument to Smoky and dogs of all wars in the Rocky River Reservation in Cleveland, Ohio. Photograph


Bill said that Smoky taught him much more than he had taught her.

On April 19, 2021, Bill Wynne passed away at the age of 99.


Smoky is recognized as the first documented therapy dog.  Her work began in 1944 in New Guinea and continued through WWII.  After seeing the effect that Smoky had on people, Bill and Smoky continued their work after WWII.

This is a selected list of remembrances of Smoky over the years since WWII: 

— Ohio Veterinary Medicine Association “Animal Hall of Fame,” Columbus, Ohio, 1995.

— Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii.  The successor to the WWII 26th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron was the 26th Air Space Intelligence Squadron which displayed Smoky’s memorabilia in 2003.

— The Imperial War Museum , London, England.  From November 2006 – May 2007 an “Animals of War Exhibit” displayed Smoky’s war blanket.

— Australian Defense Force Trackers and War Dogs Association awarded Smoky the “War Dog Operational Medal” in 2010.

— The World War II Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana, displayed a bronze statue of Smoky in a helmet in 2010 as part of an exhibit to “Animals of War.”

— The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals “Certificate of Bravery and Devotion,” England, 2011.

— Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, 2012.

— Australian War Dog Museum, Sydney, Australia, 2014.  Awarded the Australian “War Dog Medal.”  The award was backdated as the first combat medal to be awarded to a dog.

— Papua New Guinea, 2015.

— The Australian Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, “Purple Cross,” December 11, 2015.  The “Purple Cross” is a rare and high honor awarded to an animal war hero.  In 163 years, Smoky was only the tenth animal to receive this honor.



Dogs for Defense was a WWII program that many people may not be aware of at this point in time.  It was a military program started after the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.  Pet owners were asked to donate their dogs to be used by the military for patrol and guard duties. For more information about this program see attached link Dogs for Defense.

For even more in-depth information and stories about Smoky, William A. Wynne’s book Yorkie Doodle Dandy (Or, The Other Woman Was A Real Dog) is a great book written by Smoky’s best friend.

Another wonderful book written in consultation with Bill Wynne is Smoky, the Dog That Saved My Life, The Bill Wynne Story by Nancy Roe Pimm.



S. R. O’Konski, Author
World War 2 History Short Stories
© All Rights Reserved

The WWII Sinking of the USS Lexington in the Battle of the Coral Sea: And the Stories of Survivors

USS Lexington (CV-2) on October 14, 1941, leaving San Diego, California. Aircraft on the flight deck include TBD torpedo bombers, F2A fighters, and SBD scout bombers. National Archives, Washington, D.C.


The aircraft carrier United States Ship (USS) Lexington (CV-2), nicknamed  “Lady Lex,” was the fourth United States (US) Navy ship to be named after the American Revolutionary War 1775 Battle of Lexington. The ship was commissioned in 1928 and would serve until its sinking in the Battle of the Coral Sea (May 4 – 8, 1942).

On December 7, 1941, fighters, dive bombers, and torpedo bombers of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN), in a surprise attack, bombed Pearl Harbor and other US military installations on Oahu, then the US Territory of Hawaii. There were three US aircraft carriers in the Pacific Fleet at that time. The USS Lexington and the USS Enterprise were at sea ferrying aircraft to Midway Island and Wake Island, respectively.  The third aircraft carrier, USS Saratoga, was preparing to leave San Diego, California, following an overhaul at the Bremerton, Washington, Puget Sound Naval Yard.

The Lexington arrived back in Pearl Harbor on December 13.  The ship would return to sea to patrol the Pacific and take part in US naval operations as part of Task Force (TF) 11.

In April 1942 the Allied codebreakers at Pearl Harbor deciphered the Japanese naval operation code JN (Japanese Navy) – 25.  They had information that the Japanese were planning a major attack, Operation Mo, on Port Moresby, the capital of the Australian Territory of New Guinea. Gaining control of New Guinea would have isolated both Australia and New Zealand from their allies in the South Pacific.  

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander-in-Chief, US Pacific Fleet, ordered TF 17 to the Coral Sea to counter Japanese operations. The aircraft carriers USS Lexington and USS Yorktown were the two carriers in TF 17.  [The USS Yorktown (CV-5) was later sunk during the Battle of Midway June 4 – 7, 1942.  The USS Yorktown (CV-10) was commissioned April 15, 1943, and served in the Pacific through WWII.)


Coral Sea. Map Wikipedia.


The Battle of the Coral Sea.  It would be the first battle in history fought between aircraft carriers.

On May 3, 1942, the Japanese landed on the island of Tulagi (a first step of Operation Mo) in the then British Solomon Islands Protectorate.

On May 4 Vice Admiral Frank “Jack” Fletcher, upon getting an intelligence report of the landing, ordered aircraft from the Yorktown to attack the Japanese landing group. Japanese intelligence had not reported American ships in the area, and they were taken by surprise.  

IJN Fourth Fleet Admiral Shigeyoshi Inoue and Carrier Striking Force Vice Admiral Takeo Takagi began the search to find the Americans.  

With limited visibility in the area of operations, neither the Americans nor the Japanese were successful in immediately finding the opposing enemy carrier force. 

On May 7 the Japanese found and sunk the destroyer USS Sims and badly damaged the fleet oiler USS Neosho

Also on May 7 aircraft from the Lexington and Yorktown sunk the Japanese light aircraft carrier Shōhō.

American and Japanese naval forces became aware of the enemy fleet positions on May 8.  

Captain Frederick C. “Ted” Sherman, commanding officer of the Lexington, ordered “General Quarters” at 0552 hours (military time) that morning. Carriers on both sides started launching aircraft shortly after 0900 hours.  Two torpedoes hit the port side of the Lexington at 1120 hours to be followed by another two bombs.    

USS Lexington hit by two torpedoes and two bombs on May 8, 1942. Wikipedia Battle of the Coral Sea.


Torpedo and bomb damage resulted in a jammed hydraulic ship elevator, flooding in boiler rooms, and ruptured gasoline fuel storage tanks on the port side causing fires and explosions.  The fires could not be extinguished, and Captain Sherman ordered “abandon ship” at 1707 hours.  TF 17 destroyers and cruisers rescued sailors and marines abandoning the Lexington.


Sailors and marines evacuating the USS Lexington May 8, 1942. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Explosion on the USS Lexington May 8, 1942, shortly after Captain Sherman left the ship. Note aircraft being blown off the deck. Destroyer USS Hammann ship’s bow is shown in far left of photograph rescuing the crew.  National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Explosions and fires on the USS Lexington May 8, 1942. National Archives, Washington D.C.


By 1830 hours 2,735 surviving sailors and marines had been evacuated from the Lexington.  Two hundred and sixteen men had been killed in action.  

Captain Sherman was the last man to leave the Lexington.

The destroyer USS Phelps was ordered to sink the Lexington for several reasons:  (1) the ship could not be saved, (2) the US Navy did not want the Lexington to become a trophy for the Japanese, and (3) the US Navy did not want it discovered that the ship had been lost — at least not at that time.

The Phelps fired torpedoes into the Lexington at 1841 hours.  It was reported that the hull was glowing “cherry red” from the fires.  The ship took about an hour to sink.  

There were losses of men and ships on both sides. But the Allies had blocked the Operation Mo Japanese drive into the Coral Sea to Port Moresby.  Admiral Shigeyoshi Inoue ordered the Japanese invasion force to return to port.

[The public would learn of the loss of the USS Lexington (CV-2) in June 1942.  The Fore River Ship and Engine Building Company in Quincy, Massachusetts, where the ship was originally built, was in the process of building a new ship to be named the USS Cabot.  The shipyard petitioned US Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox to change the name of the ship from Cabot to Lexington, and he agreed.  The (fifth) USS Lexington (CV-16) was commissioned on February 17, 1943, and would be assigned to the Pacific.  The Japanese several times would sight CV-16 and were confused thinking the ship had been sunk during the Battle of the Coral Sea. CV-16 got the nickname “The Blue Ghost.”]


Stories about the survivors of the sinking of the USS Lexington (CV-2) .


James A. Phinney III.  Oral History Interview for the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas, on July 15, 2010.  He was interviewed at his home in San Antonio, Texas.


James A. Phinney III oral history interview July 15, 2010, in San Antonio, Texas.  Photograph video frame from 2010 interview.


Jim was born in Childress, Texas, on November 12, 1923, and was raised in Hugo, Oklahoma.  He graduated from high school in May 1941 and then joined the US Navy.  He was on his way to church on December 7, 1941, when he heard about the Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor.

After training stateside Jim was assigned to the USS Lexington. While training in Pearl Harbor awaiting the arrival of the aircraft carrier that was out to sea, he recalled that he and his friends would run over to a nearby Dole Pineapple Company building to drink pineapple juice coming out of the drinking fountains.

Jim would board the Lexington in April 1942.  He was assigned as an electrician Seaman First Class.

On  May 8, 1942, Jim was on the flight deck checking electrical systems in the aircraft.  He caught sight of a plane flying off the port side of the ship that dropped something.  His first thought was that something fell off a plane and that “somebody has sure messed up.” It was actually a Japanese torpedo plane dropping the first torpedo to hit the Lexington

After hours of fighting off attacking Japanese airplanes and fighting fires, the crew was ordered to “abandon ship.”  

Jim related in his interview that there was a plan to evacuate the crew in groups.  He said his group had a period of time to wait until their turn to evacuate, so they went to the “ship’s service store soda fountain,” also known as the “Gedunk,” and ate ice cream.  [Ice cream in WWII was a great treat for the sailors and marines.  You will be reading about ice cream again later in this story.]

It was about 65 feet down from the flight deck to the water.  Before starting down the rope lines, Jim said they took the emergency life rafts out of the remaining aircraft (36 aircraft would be lost in the sinking), inflated the rafts, and threw them overboard.  After getting in the water, they swam to the rafts.  A cruiser was the first to try to rescue them off the raft without success.  The destroyer USS Hammann would later pick them up. He said the crew of the destroyer had to “scrub them down” because they were soaked in salt water and fuel oil.  [The Hammann would later be sunk at the Battle of Midway.]

On the way to Tonga [an archipelago of 169 islands in the South Pacific at that time a British Protectorate],  the rescued crew on the Hammann were transferred to the cruiser USS Portland.  From Tonga a troop ship took them to San Diego.


Tonga archipelago in South Pacific Ocean. Map


Jim’s next assignment would be on the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise.  

Having several shore assignments after the Enterprise, then First Class Petty Officer Electricians Mate James Phinney would be in Houston, Texas, when he heard WWII ended.

Jim, after being discharged from the US Navy, would use the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 (also known as the GI Bill) to further his education.  After that he rejoined the US Navy and would retire as a Warrant Officer with over 20 years of service.

Jim passed away on September 9, 2015.


Julius Harry Frey.  Oral History Interview with the National Museum of the Pacific War, in Fredericksburg, Texas, on August 6, 2013. He was interviewed at his home in San Antonio, Texas.


Harry Frey. Photograph


Harry was born in Laredo, Texas, on March 6, 1923.  When he was six weeks old the family moved to San Antonio, Texas.  He was 17 years old when he joined the US Navy in 1940 and had not graduated from high school.  [In 1946 after serving in WWII he would graduate from Breckenridge High School in San Antonio and continue his education.] 

Trained in the military as an Aviation Metalsmith, Harry’s first assignment was on the USS Lexington.  He was assigned to the pilot “ready room” keeping statistics on the aircraft.

The Lexington was two days at sea out from Pearl Harbor delivering aircraft to Midway Island when the ship’s captain announced that Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941.  The ship returned to Pearl Harbor on December 13.  Harry remarked in his interview that the oil on the water was about two inches thick and difficult for smaller boats to even pass through it.

On May 8, 1942, Harry was standing on the landing at the Lexington emergency battery locker of the ship’s superstructure when the first torpedo hit the ship.  Aircraft were trying to land, others trying to take off, some planes landed and were shoved over the side, and others were sent to land on the USS Yorktown.

When Captain Sherman gave the order to “abandon ship” Harry reported to his muster station on the port side of the ship near the aft (stern) elevator. The area was just above the Gedunk.  While his group was waiting to evacuate, Harry remembered the ice cream.  

From Harry’s interview, “So, I rolled off the flight deck onto the next level. There was a big lock on the hatch going into the Gedunk.  Now there was a fire axe there, so I took the axe, and it took only one blow to knock off the lock.  I went in and took my helmet off, … , and I went behind the counter and loaded my helmet with pineapple ice cream.  …  Then I went out and I tossed it up to my buddy on the flight deck.” His buddy and others rolled off the flight deck, went into the Gedunk, and got more ice cream. He and his buddies got back up to the deck, and Harry continued, “So, when they came around to muster, everybody was up there eating ice cream.”

Harry would evacuate the Lexington using rope lines.  He was wearing a life jacket but took if off because it was difficult to swim. After about 30 minutes swimming he was picked up by the destroyer USS Morris.  Again from Harry’s interview, “Someone grabbed me and hauled me up on the deck.  I must have laid there for fifteen or twenty minutes … I looked, and I saw these ox-blood shiny shoes and the trouser had a sharp crease in them and this guy says, ‘I know this guy.  He is from our neighborhood back in San Antonio.’  He was a marine on the Morris.”

Harry and others rescued by the Morris were transferred to the cruiser USS Chester and transported to Tonga and then to San Diego.

After visiting his family in San Antonio Harry was assigned to the escort carrier USS Card. The Card provided protection for convoys in the Atlantic Ocean, searched for German submarines, and would see action in the North African Campaign (June 10, 1940 – May 13, 1943).  Harry’s next assignment was the aircraft carrier USS Bennington.  

Being on the shakedown cruise of both the Card and Bennington earned Harry what the US Navy calls a “Plank Owner” card for the two ships.

After WWII Harry used the GI Bill to get a degree from Trinity University in San Antonio and a master’s degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, Oklahoma.  

Harry did earn some credits from Sul Ross State College in Alpine, Texas.  He said he was into roping at that time and could take his horse with him. 

Harry Frey passed away on August 22, 2016.  On July 15, 2017, his and his wife’s ashes were “buried at sea” from the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan with a 21 gun salute at the location in the Coral Sea where the USS Lexington (CV-2) sank in WWII.


Harry Frey’s burial at sea with a 21 gun salute on the USS Ronald Reagan July 15, 2017. US Navy.



[After my oral history colleague, Floyd Cox, and I interviewed Jim Phinney and Harry Frey, we realized they didn’t know each other while assigned to the Lexington nor that they both lived in San Antonio.  I asked their permission and passed on contact information to them.

Jim and Harry got together for hamburgers over lunch in San Antonio and talked about their experiences on the Lexington.

I forgot to ask if they had ice cream for dessert.]


The Patten brothers from Iowa.  


Seven Patten brothers assigned to the battleship USS Nevada. Photograph


December 7, 1941, the battleship USS Nevada was berthed next to the battleship USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor.  Because of battleship arrival times at Pearl Harbor, the Arizona was berthed in the usual place of the Nevada.  

The Nevada was badly damaged during the surprise Japanese attack. All the brothers survived and were then assigned to the Lexington. The Patten brothers were all survivors of the sinking of the Lexington.

After the death of the five Sullivan brothers in the sinking of the light cruiser USS Juneau on November 13, 1942, during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, the Patten brothers served on different ships.

Floyd Patten, the boys’ father, received an age waiver during WWII to join the Navy.  Sadly he died of cancer in March 1945.  

The youngest Patten brother, Wayne, had the nickname “Patten pending” until he was old enough to join the Navy. 

The eight Patten brothers would all return home when WWII ended. 


Admiral Wags.  Commanding officer of the USS Lexington, Captain Sherman, had his dog Admiral Wags with him on the ship.  He was a cocker spaniel that according to the tale (not the tail) had his own muster station under the captain’s bed.


Picture of Admiral Wags and Captain Sherman. Photographs


Captain Sherman was the last man off the Lexington and was able to rescue Admiral Wags.  Evacuated on different ships, they were reunited at Tonga.

Fanny Jessop Sherman, wife of Captain Sherman, wrote a children’s book about Admiral Wags published in 1943.

Admiral Wags passed away and was buried in the Shermans’ backyard with “full military honors” in 1949 at the age of 17.



Writer and WWII US Navy veteran Herman Wouk wrote two books about WWII The Winds of War and War and Remembrance that were made into two miniseries in the 1980s.  During the filming of War and Remembrance the USS Lexington (CV-16) [which at that time was designated AVT-16, training aircraft carrier] was used as a stand-in for both US Navy and IJN ships recreating battles in the Pacific.  


Staging on the flight deck of the USS Lexington (AVT-16) during the filming of War and Remembrance.  Photograph


The USS Lexington is now the USS Lexington Museum in Corpus Christi, Texas.

The book Stay the Rising Sun by Phil Keith has an extremely detailed  narrative of the sinking of the USS Lexington and the Battle of the Coral Sea. 

An article with more information on Admiral Wags can be found on the Defense Media Network website.

On March 4, 2018, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s expedition crew of the Research Vessel (R/V) Petrel discovered the wreckage of the USS Lexington (CV-2) 76 years after being sunk in the Battle of the Coral Sea. 

Thank you to the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas, and museum archivist Chris McDougal for providing information related to this story.  The oral history interviews of James Phinney and Julius Harry Frey are in the museum archive.  Jim Phinney’s oral history interview can be listened to online.

Thank you to Floyd Cox, my oral historian colleague, at the National  Museum of the Pacific War.  

Thank you to US Navy veteran and US Naval Academy graduate Clifford L. Deets (Lcdr, USN ret.) for providing information on Navy terminology and Navy life.

Thank you to historian Dr. Vernon L. Williams, Director of the East Anglia Air War Project, for his research assistance.



S. R. O’Konski, Author
World War 2 History Short Stories
© All Rights Reserved


Boike Flies WWII B-17 “Mascot” Position with the 306th Bombardment Group

Boike photographed still in his parachute after a jump from a WWII B-17 Flying Fortress over England.


State of Nebraska native Boike joined the United States Army Air Force in October 1943. He flew “Mascot” position with the WWII B-17 Flying Fortress “Weary Bones” Lieutenant Walter H. Keilt crew, 306th Bombardment Group, 368th Bomb Squadron, stationed in Thurleigh, England.

Boike’s story below as told by Walter Keilt. 

Who was Boike?

Boike was a dog.  He was also the crew mascot for my gang which flew “Weary Bones”  ….  Boike first made his appearance one October 1943 evening in the BOQ [Bachelor Officers Quarters] at Grand Rapids, NE [Nebraska].  He was accompanied by six assorted crew member sergeants and a mysterious looking flight bag.

“Lieutenant [Keilt], this is Boike, our new mascot.”

Five-Pound Wonder  

He didn’t look like much, being of doubtful lineage.  He was all black except for a small white patch on his chest and white paws.  He weighed all of five pounds.  Somewhere in his background was Scotch terrier blood.

“Are we correct in assuming he is flying to the UK [United Kingdom] with us?” the four officers questioned.

“Oh, yes.  He is definitely flying over with us and will be a full-fledged member of the crew.”

“What happens to Boike when we have to go to altitude and have to put on oxygen masks?”

“No problem, sir.  We have all that taken care of.”  Whereupon the mysterious flight bag was opened and eager hands produced a standard oxygen mask which had obviously been modified by an additional strap.

“But does it fit?”

“Oh, yes.  As you can see it fits securely over his snout.”  And indeed it did with no apparent leaks.

“Ah, yes, but what happens if we have to jump out and hit the silk [bail out]?”

Boike’s Own Parachute

Back to the bag again and out came a small parachute and special “dog” harness made by some sympathizing parachute packer.  It was very tiny but fit snugly around his chest, stomach, and front legs.  The chute diameter was alleged to be about six feet.  And so it was agreed that Boike was indeed an official crew member and was going to war with us.

One afternoon months later [in England], during a “stand down,” into the officers’ quarters come the enlisted crew with determined looks on their faces.

“Lieutenant,” someone said, “we have decided that Boike is not a real member of our crew as he has not even flown a single mission.  All he does is eat and get fat.”

“So what?” we asked.  “What can you expect of a mere dog?”

“We have a mission planned for him,” was the answer.  “He is going to make a parachute jump, and then he will be a real crew member.”

“And how is he going to make this jump?” we asked.

“Very simple, sir.  In two days, as you know, we are scheduled to ‘slow time’ a new engine on ‘Weary Bones.’  We, including Boike, will be on board, and you will fly over Thurleigh with flaps down, as slow as you can fly, and we will drop Boike out of the tail gunner’s hatch.”

“You have to be kidding” was our incredulous answer.  “If the chute doesn’t open, we will all be murderers, and I could get court-martialed for ‘dog murder’.”

Can’t Fail, Says Crew

“But sir, we have done everything to make this a ‘no fail’ mission.  We have enlarged the harness, installed a static line on the chute, and tested the whole thing by dropping it attached to a rock from the control tower.  We can’t fail, and Boike will be as safe as it is possible to be.”

“Besides,” they continued, “we will have a photographer on the ground taking pictures.  We will take pictures of him just before he hits the ground.  We’ll send the pictures to Stars and Stripes [an American newspaper reporting war news], and we’ll all be famous.”

No amount of protesting from us could deter the crew from going through with this doubtful event.  And so, on 5 June 1944 at 1000 [10 am] hours, “Weary Bones” was seen flying at 1,000 feet over Thurleigh with half flaps at 120 mph [miles per hour].  Aboard was the entire crew with the exception of the bombardier who was on the ground traveling with a base photographer in a jeep.

Boike was all harnessed up with his static line attached and ready to go!

Out Came Boike!

After the third pass the fateful deed was done!  Out came Boike.  The static line did its job and down came Boike the chute blossoming over his head.  Upon wracking [banking] the ship over on its left wing, we could all see Boike rapidly speeding to the ground with hind feet dangling, suspended by a chute that seemed too small.

Down, down he went and after some thirty seconds Boike hit the ground, hind feet first.  He let out a yip and at full speed headed for the nearest patch of trees some thousand feet west.  The jeep was unfortunately on the wrong side of the field, but someone took note that Boike ran to the woods and lifted his leg on the first tree he came to.

In the meantime, up in the air, over the radio came the question, “Ship flying over Thurleigh, what are you doing throwing a dog out of the aircraft?”

“Thurleigh, this is ‘Weary Bones’ 943 [B-17 tail number 42-37943], we are just testing a parachute.”

“Roger, 943, Thurleigh tower out.”

Colonel Williams, … , who just happened to be in the [control] tower at the time, grabbed a telephone and called 368th squadron operations, “What are you crazy guys doing, throwing a poor, defenseless dog out of an airplane?” 

“It’s o.k., Colonel, that was Boike’s seventeenth jump!”

“O.K., 368th, we were just wondering what was going on.”

And so that was the end of Boike’s famous jump, and he was now an official member of Keilt’s crew.

While no photographs were taken of the descent, Boike was picked up by the jeep and driven to 368th headquarters where the accompanying picture of him [above] was taken before his parachute was removed.

Boike continued to live near the mess hall and reached a weight of thirty pounds. As far as anyone of the crew knows, Boike remained at Thurleigh long after my crew went home.

If anyone knows of descendants of Boike still living in England, please contact …………. all your friends.  It is a great story.



For information about the 306th Bombardment Group Historical Association visit  The link to the above story is



S. R. O’Konski, Author
World War 2 History Short Stories
© All Rights Reserved


The Dickin Medal: A Different Kind of Hero


The Dickin Medal
The Dickin Medal


In 1917 Maria Dickin founded an animal charity People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) in the United Kingdom. During WWII she introduced the Dickin Medal which honors the bravery and devotion to duty of animals in wartime. The medal is considered to be the animal equivalent of the British Victoria Cross. Recipients of the award have included pigeons, dogs, horses, and a cat. Below are the stories of three of the animal heroes.


Rip 1941

Southill Street Air Raid Warden Mr. E. King found a stray dog in the Poplar area of East London in 1940. It was discovered that Rip had an instinctive ability to find people buried beneath the rubble of buildings bombed by the German Luftwaffe during the London Blitz (1940-1941). He is credited with saving the lives of over 100 people. Rip was London’s first “search and rescue” dog.

Rip’s Dickin Award Citation: “For locating many air-raid victims during the Blitz of 1940.”


William of Orange
William of Orange

Pigeon, William of Orange, served with the British Army Pigeon Service (APS) in WWII. When elements of the British 1st Airborne Division and the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade were surrounded by German forces near the town of Arnhem, Netherlands, during Operation Market Garden (September 17-25, 1944), the pigeon was released with a message to carry back to England. He flew over 250 miles through bad weather in 4 hours and 25 minutes to his home loft there. His flying speed was calculated at nearly 60 miles per hour or 1,740 yards per minute. The information in the message was used to develop a troop withdrawal plan (called Operation Berlin) which resulted in over 2,000 British and Polish soldiers escaping through German lines. 

William of Orange Dickin Medal Citation: “For delivering a message from the Arnhem Airborne Operation in record time for any single pigeon, while serving with the APS in September 1944.”


Judy on the deck of HMS Grasshopper

Judy was an English Pointer born in Shanghai, China, in 1936 and became a British Royal Navy ship mascot on His Majesty’s Ship (HMS) Gnat and later on the gunboat HMS Grasshopper.

The HMS Grasshopper was sunk February 14, 1942, during the Malaya-Singapore Campaign (1941-1942). Judy, with surviving HMS Grasshopper crew members, was marooned for a time on an uninhabited island off of Sumatra. She was able to locate fresh water on the island for them to drink. They eventually made their way to Sumatra, and after trekking 200 miles through the jungle, they were captured by the Japanese and became prisoners of war (POW). The crew members smuggled Judy into the POW camp with them.

It was at the Medan, Indonesia, Gloergoer POW camp that Judy met Royal Air Force Leading Aircraftsman Frank Williams in 1942. In the POW camp Judy would snarl and growl at Japanese guards who were beating POWs. Frank Williams knew this kind of behavior would probably result in Judy being killed. He convinced the camp commandant to register the dog as a POW hoping that would save her life. It worked. Judy became POW #81A.

In 1944, Medan camp POWs, including Judy, were put on the Steam Ship (SS) Van Waryck which was to transport them to Singapore. A torpedo from the British submarine HMS Truculent sank the ship on June 26. Judy, Frank Williams, and other POWs survived the sinking. While they were in the water, it is said Judy would swim over to drowning men, let them grab hold of her, and then swim with them to some debris or wreckage that would help them stay afloat. All were again captured by the Japanese and spent the rest of the war in a POW camp in Sumatra.

In 1945 WWII ended. Being hidden yet another time, Judy was smuggled back to Britain on the SS Atenor with Frank Williams and other released POWs. Frank Williams credited Judy with saving his life. He said she lifted his morale and gave him a reason to live in order to protect her.

Judy’s Dickin Medal Citation: “For magnificent courage and endurance in Japanese prison camps, which helped to maintain morale among her fellow prisoners and also for saving many lives through her intelligence and watchfulness.”


The award of the Dickin Medal continues today.

Sir William Proctor Smith of Cheshire, England, the original owner and breeder of William of Orange, bought the pigeon from the APS after WWII ended. Smith commented, some 10 years later, that William of Orange was “the grandfather of many outstanding racing pigeons.”

 Judy was the only dog registered as a POW in WWII. She spent the rest of her life with Frank Williams after the war.

 Thank you to W. O’Konski for his assistance in writing this story.



S. R. O’Konski, Author
World War 2 History Short Stories
© All Rights Reserved